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What we do

From our Articles of Incorporation:

The purposes of the Swanson Park Neighborhood Association are to advance the mutual interests of the neighborhoods surrounding the Swanson Science Park Arboretum in the following ways: 

Beautifying and improving the Swanson Science Arboretum and the area surrounding the Swanson Science Arboretum; 

Enhancing the safety in and around the Swanson Science Arboretum; 

Establishing and improving communication within the neighborhoods surrounding the Swanson Science Arboretum; 

Soliciting donations through one or more charitable foundations for projects relating to the purposes of the Swanson Park Neighborhood Association; 

Receiving and administering grants which relate to the purposes of the Swanson Park Neighborhood Association; 

Providing support and leadership to address issues affecting the well-being and integrity of the neighborhoods surrounding Swanson Science Park Arboretum.